13. Update Member Profile
Goodie.setVoucherRedeem() is used to Update profile in Goodie system, you can change your private information using this function.
Here is the example code:
1. GoodieCore.updateMemberProfile(authToken: "authToken", deviceUniqueId: "deviceUniqueId", memberId: "memberId", merchantId: "merchantId", birthDate: "birthDate", firstName: "firstName", lastName: "lastName", gender: "gender", phoneNumber: "phoneNumber", completion: { (UpdateMemberProfileResponse) in 2. if UpdateMemberProfileResponse.abstractResponse?.responseStatus == "MEM000" { 3. //success, do something 4. }else{ 5. //failed 6. } 7. }) { (Error) in 8. //error 9. }
Where :
Param | Type | Description |
authToken | String | authToken is used as for header authentication purpose |
deviceUniqueId | String | deviceUniqueId is identify android device |
memberId | String | memberId is identifier that will be used to identity a member |
merchantId | String | merchantId is identifier that will be used to identity a merchant |
birthDate | String | Fill this with your birth date |
firstName | String | Fill with your first name |
lastName | String | Fill with your last name |
gender | String | Fill with your gender (male = “M”, female = “F”) |
phoneNumber | String | Fill with your phone number |
Response Update Member Profile :
1. { 2. "member": { 3. "memberId": "D0A57818-1351-463D-9AD0-8A593250A68F", 4. "firstName": "anadia", 5. "lastName": "bella", 6. "birthDate": "1996-9-10", 7. "gender": "F", 8. "phoneNumber": "081180888881" 9. }, 10. "abstractResponse": { 11. "responseStatus": "MEM000", 12. "responseMessage": "Update status member success" 13. } 14. }