11. Member Profile

You can use this function to retrieve data member which is stored in Goodie system.

Here is the example:

1.	GoodieCore.updateMemberProfile(authToken: "authToken", deviceUniqueId: "deviceUniqueId", memberId: "memberId", merchantId: "merchantId", birthDate: "birthDate", firstName: "firstName", lastName: "lastName", gender: "gender", phoneNumber: "phoneNumber", completion: { (UpdateMemberProfileResponse) in  
2.	    if UpdateMemberProfileResponse.abstractResponse?.responseStatus == "MEM000" {  
3.	        //success, do something  
4.	    }else{  
5.	        //failed  
6.	    }  
7.	}) { (Error) in  
8.	     //error  
9.	}  

Where :
Param Type Description
authToken String authToken is used as for header authentication purpose
deviceUniqueId String deviceUniqueId is identify android device
memberId String memberId is identifier that will be used to identity a member
merchantId String merchantId is identifier that will be used to identity a merchant

Response Member Profile :
1.	{  
2.	    "tierName": "Premium",  
3.	    "tierImage": "",  
4.	    "nextTierName": "Almight",  
5.	    "nextTierImage": "",  
6.	    "reqPointNextTier": 704,  
7.	    "totalPoints": 297,  
8.	    "memberName": "anadia salsabella",  
9.	    "memberId": "D0A57818-1351-463D-9AD0-8A593250A68F",  
10.	    "merchantId": "5F773EA1-1E66-4F9E-B9C8-E1FA8156AD20",  
11.	    "nearestPointToBeExpire": 292,  
12.	    "nearestExpiredDate": "2020-05-16",  
13.	    "abstractResponse": {  
14.	        "responseStatus": "INQ000",  
15.	        "responseMessage": "Inquiry success"  
16.	    }  
17.	}