14. Point Transaction History

You can use Goodie.listHistory() function to track your issuing point history and Redeemed point history.

Here is the example code:

1.	orderBy :   
2.	1 = ascending  
3.	2 = descending  
5.	orderType :  
6.	1 = reward  
7.	2 = product  
8.	3 = point  
9.	4 = expired date  
11.	trxType :   
12.	0 = It’s mean all data will retrieve (Issuing and Redeemed)  
13.	1 = It will retrieve only Issuing data history  
14.	2 = It will retrieve only Redeemed data history  
16.	nRecord = jumlah record dalam string  
18.	GoodieCore.listHistory(authToken: "authToken", deviceUniqueId: "deviceUniqueId", memberId: "memberId", merchantId: "merchantId", trxType: "1", orderBy: "1", orderType: "1", nRecord: "10", page: "0", completion: { (ListPointTransactionResponse) in  
19.	    if ListPointTransactionResponse.abstractResponse?.responseStatus == "TRX018" {  
20.	        //success, do something  
21.	    }else{  
22.	        //failed  
23.	    }  
24.	}) { (Error) in  
25.	    //error  
26.	}  

Where :
Param Type Description
authToken String authToken is used as for header authentication purpose
deviceUniqueId String deviceUniqueId is identify android device
memberId String memberId is identifier that will be used to identity a member
merchantId String merchantId is identifier that will be used to identity a merchant
trxType integer It is used to filtering data by trxType trxType = 0, It’s mean all data will retrieve (Issuing and Redeemed) trxType = 1, It will retrieve only Issuing data history trxType = 2, It will retrieve only Redeemed data history
orderBy integer It used for filtering data by Date It must filled with β€œ1” in integer
orderType integer It used for filtering data by name in alphabet. Sample : 1 = Ascending, 2 = Descending
nRecords integer It is used to limit data displayed in one page
page integer It is used to pagination, starts from 0

Response Point Transaction History :
1.	{  
2.	    "listPointTransaction": [  
3.	        {  
4.	            "trxType": 1,  
5.	            "issuing": {  
6.	                "date": "2019-06-21",  
7.	                "promotionName": "Promo123",  
8.	                "ruleType": "Basic Rule",  
9.	                "ruleName": "BNI New Basic Rule",  
10.	                "description": "Point from transaction: INV001TESTFIT",  
11.	                "reff": "INV001TESTFIT",  
12.	                "amount": 100000,  
13.	                "point": 100  
14.	            },  
15.	            "redeem": null  
16.	        },  
17.	        {  
18.	            "trxType": 1,  
19.	            "issuing": {  
20.	                "date": "2019-06-21",  
21.	                "promotionName": "Promotion BNI",  
22.	                "ruleType": "Basic Rule",  
23.	                "ruleName": "Basic Rule BNI",  
24.	                "description": "Point from transaction: INV001TESTFIT",  
25.	                "reff": "INV001TESTFIT",  
26.	                "amount": 100000,  
27.	                "point": 1  
28.	            },  
29.	            "redeem": null  
30.	        },  
31.	        {  
32.	            "trxType": 1,  
33.	            "issuing": {  
34.	                "date": "2019-06-21",  
35.	                "promotionName": "Promotion BNI",  
36.	                "ruleType": "Basic Rule",  
37.	                "ruleName": "Basic Rule BNI",  
38.	                "description": "Point from transaction: INV001TESTFIT",  
39.	                "reff": "INV001TESTFIT",  
40.	                "amount": 200000,  
41.	                "point": 2  
42.	            },  
43.	            "redeem": null  
44.	        },  
45.	        {  
46.	            "trxType": 1,  
47.	            "issuing": {  
48.	                "date": "2019-06-21",  
49.	                "promotionName": "Promo123",  
50.	                "ruleType": "Basic Rule",  
51.	                "ruleName": "BNI New Basic Rule",  
52.	                "description": "Point from transaction: INV001TESTFIT",  
53.	                "reff": "INV001TESTFIT",  
54.	                "amount": 200000,  
55.	                "point": 100  
56.	            },  
57.	            "redeem": null  
58.	        },  
59.	        {  
60.	            "trxType": 1,  
61.	            "issuing": {  
62.	                "date": "2019-06-21",  
63.	                "promotionName": "Promo123",  
64.	                "ruleType": "Basic Rule",  
65.	                "ruleName": "BNI New Basic Rule",  
66.	                "description": "Point from transaction: INV001TESTFIT",  
67.	                "reff": "INV001TESTFIT",  
68.	                "amount": 200000,  
69.	                "point": 100  
70.	            },  
71.	            "redeem": null  
72.	        },  
73.	        {  
74.	            "trxType": 1,  
75.	            "issuing": {  
76.	                "date": "2019-06-21",  
77.	                "promotionName": "Promotion BNI",  
78.	                "ruleType": "Basic Rule",  
79.	                "ruleName": "Basic Rule BNI",  
80.	                "description": "Point from transaction: INV001TESTFIT",  
81.	                "reff": "INV001TESTFIT",  
82.	                "amount": 200000,  
83.	                "point": 2  
84.	            },  
85.	            "redeem": null  
86.	        },  
87.	        {  
88.	            "trxType": 1,  
89.	            "issuing": {  
90.	                "date": "2019-06-24",  
91.	                "promotionName": "Promotion BNI",  
92.	                "ruleType": "Basic Rule",  
93.	                "ruleName": "Basic Rule BNI",  
94.	                "description": "Point from transaction: INV001TESTFIT",  
95.	                "reff": "INV001TESTFIT",  
96.	                "amount": 200000,  
97.	                "point": 2  
98.	            },  
99.	            "redeem": null  
100.	        },  
101.	        {  
102.	            "trxType": 1,  
103.	            "issuing": {  
104.	                "date": "2019-06-24",  
105.	                "promotionName": "Promo123",  
106.	                "ruleType": "Basic Rule",  
107.	                "ruleName": "BNI New Basic Rule",  
108.	                "description": "Point from transaction: INV001TESTFIT",  
109.	                "reff": "INV001TESTFIT",  
110.	                "amount": 200000,  
111.	                "point": 100  
112.	            },  
113.	            "redeem": null  
114.	        }  
115.	    ],  
116.	    "recordInfo": {  
117.	        "totalRecords": 8,  
118.	        "page": 0,  
119.	        "nrecords": 10  
120.	    },  
121.	    "abstractResponse": {  
122.	        "responseStatus": "TRX018",  
123.	        "responseMessage": "Get history issuing and redeem success"  
124.	    }  
125.	}