12. Point Transaction History

Description : Member point history API is used to view member profile.
URL : https://sandbox.goodie.id/api-rest/point-transaction/history
Method : GET
Header :
No Key Value Requirement Description
1 Content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded M Security Header
2 authToken String M authentication
3 deviceUniqueId String M Device Id

Request Params :
No Parameter Value Requirement Description
1 merchantId String M merchant’s Id
2 memberId String M Member’s Id
3 trxType Integer M Transaction type 0 = all, 1= issuing, 2 = redeem
4 orderBy Integer M Sort data by 1= date, 2 = point total
5 orderType Integer M Sort data by 1= ascending, 2 = descending
6 page Integer M Page
7 nRecords Integer M Data record

Response Redeem :
No Parameter Value Description
1 trxType String Transaction type 0 = all, 1= issuing, 2 = redeem
2 issuing String Sort data by 1= date, 2 = point total
3 redeem String Sort data by 1= ascending, 2 = descending
4 date String Page
5 rewardName String Reward name
6 productName String Product Name
7 quantity String Quantity
8 point String point

JSON Format :

    "listPointTransaction": [
            "trxType": 2,
            "issuing": null,
            "redeem": {
                "date": "2019-05-20",
                "rewardName": "FinalReward",
                "productName": "Voucher BNI Iqbal Rp 50.000",
                "quantity": 1,
                "point": 1
            "trxType": 2,
            "issuing": null,
            "redeem": {
                "date": "2019-05-20",
                "rewardName": "FinalReward",
                "productName": "Voucher BNI Iqbal Rp 50.000",
                "quantity": 1,
                "point": 1
            "trxType": 2,
            "issuing": null,
            "redeem": {
                "date": "2019-06-27",
                "rewardName": "Alfamart Bahagia Voucher Lebaran Rp 50.000",
                "productName": "Voucher Digital Alfamart Rp 50.000",
                "quantity": 1,
                "point": 1
    "recordInfo": {
        "totalRecords": 3,
        "page": 0,
        "nrecords": 100
    "abstractResponse": {
        "responseStatus": "TRX018",
        "responseMessage": "Get history issuing and redeem success"

Response Issuing :
No Parameter Value Description
1 trxType String Transaction type 0 = all, 1= issuing, 2 = redeem
2 issuing String Sort data by 1= date, 2 = point total
3 date String Sort data by 1= ascending, 2 = descending
4 promotionName String Page
5 ruleType String Data record
6 ruleName String Rule Name
7 reff String Transaction number
8 amount String Amount transaction
9 point String Get total point

JSON Format :

        "listPointTransaction": [
                "trxType": 1,
                "issuing": {
                    "date": "2019-05-20",
                    "promotionName": "Promotion BNI",
                    "ruleType": "Custom Rule",
                    "ruleName": "Opening Account BNI",
                    "description": "Point from : Opening Account BNI",
                    "reff": null,
                    "amount": null,
                    "point": 1
                "redeem": null
        "recordInfo": {
            "totalRecords": 1,
            "page": 0,
            "nrecords": 100
        "abstractResponse": {
            "responseStatus": "TRX018",
            "responseMessage": "Get history issuing and redeem success"